Best Visa Immigration Programs You Must Know Of


Career, life, and lifestyle prospects in Canada are quite dazzling and sophisticated. The kind of benefits that the Canadian government showers on its citizens are enticing enough to compelling people to immigrate to Canada and apply for permanent citizenship. Easier said than done though.

Amid the frenzy is the chaos. It is by no means a cake walk to legally immigrate to Canada. And for this you need to hire a reputable immigration firm like Get In Canada to help you cross the border legally and in the most hassle-free manner possible. In fact, the Get in Canada visa immigration programs are highly spoken of because the firm is comprised of legal advisors and lawyers with vast experience. That said, it’s time to introduce the best immigration programs you can apply for to acquire Canadian Citizenship.

  1. Provincial Nomination Program

Remember, this program is for common person and not self-worker or entrepreneurs. There’s certainly no limitation though. But since there’s a faster program (that’ll be discussed later in the guide), it’s better that investors apply for immigration via that method.

Now, talking about PNP, it’s a reputable Canadian immigration program. When applied via proper channels, immigration firms, the chances that your application won’t be rejected by the immigration authorities are maximum. Wondering how? Well, it’s because immigration experts at firms like Get In Canada offer evaluation programs like Expert Entry Program where you can evaluate the chances that your immigration visa will be accepted or not. You’ll be provided with a form wherein you’ll be asked a few personal questions related to,

  • Your job qualification
  • Your financial status
  • Your savings
  • Your salary package
  • Your language ability
  • Your job skills

These factors will then be used to judge whether you’ll a suitable immigrant or not. If you qualify, the legal experts will enroll you for the Provincial Nomination Program (PNP).

PNP is basically a nomination by some Canadian territory that can be counted in your favor as a profitable prospect. Even a prior job offer by a Canadian company or an admission letter by a reputable Canadian university increases the chances of the approval of your immigration request manifold.

  1. Business Immigration Program

The business immigration program is for medium-sized investors, international investors with abundant funds looking forward to settling and investing in Canada, and entrepreneurs willing to open a business in Canada.

The Quebec Business Immigration Investor Program is for investors who can invest an amount of 1.2 million CAD for 5 years with the Canadian government. This is a risk-free investment that’s refunded in full at the end of 5 years. In lieu, the investors enjoy full citizenship benefits.


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