The shoulder is one of the most complex joints in your body. The shoulder joint’s complexity is due to the numerous underlying structures that make up this joint. Your shoulder joint consists of tendons, bones, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels collaborating in a small space to enable movement. Stephen Fisher, MD conducts necessary diagnostic tests, leveraging imaging technology to view your shoulder joint and establish underlying issues. An accurate diagnosis guarantees treatment efficacies and prevents post-procedural complications due to unaddressed issues.
What are the symptoms of shoulder pain?
You need to be aware of shoulder pain symptoms to self-diagnose complications early and thus seek urgent care/. If you have underlying medical issues, your doctor will recognize your predisposition to shoulder pain and thus provide necessary patient education to help you detect signs of developing issues early for enhanced clinical outcomes. However, the symptoms of shoulder pain will vary depending on the cause of your concerns, the location of the problems, and the severity of your pain.
The typical symptom of shoulder pain patients report for clinical intervention is when they lift their arms sideways. The acromion makes up the outer side of the shoulder joint. Sub acromion pain is a condition that hinders sideways movement of the arm by causing extreme pain. If you notice this pain, you should visit your primary care provider to limit its progression to severe stages. For example, failure to receive treatment for sub-acromion pain may lead to extreme discomfort when you lie on the affected joint, thus making both movements and rest challenging.
What causes shoulder pain?
The main cause of shoulder pain is a narrowing of the subacromial space. This narrowing puts pressure on underlying structures making up the shoulder’s anatomy. Various underlying reasons can explain narrowed subacromial space. For example:
- Bony growths
- Wear and tear
- Calcium deposits in the supraspinatus tendon
Other causes of shoulder pain include:
- Sprains
- A hooked acromion
Who is likely to suffer from shoulder pain?
Various risk factors may increase your chances of experiencing shoulder pain. For example, engaging in sports that require repetitive arm movements, such as volleyball, could predispose you to wear and tear or joint overuse leading to damage and pain.
Joint weakness could affect shoulder stability and lead to complications causing pain. Aging is the main risk factor affecting strength. The older you get, the weaker your shoulder joint structures and, thus, the more exposed you are to shoulder pain.
The significance of clinical intervention to eliminate shoulder pain
Acute shoulder pain may resolve without clinical intervention. You may need clinical intervention for chronic shoulder pain immune to DIY remedies. Clinical intervention can accurately determine the root cause of concerns and help your doctor develop an effective treatment plan. When home remedies such as cold therapy and massage fail to offer relief, contact Stephen Fisher, M.D., to receive an accurate diagnosis of your shoulder pain and the underlying cause and start appropriate treatment to restore optimal movement.