Common rules imposed in the probation period


Probation is a great substitute for jail time for a defendant as they are still free to be a part of the community but with some regulations; this is the reason why you should hire a good New Jersey Probation Attorney if you are facing any trial in the court.

What is probation?

In very simple terms it is a criminal sentence that an offender is asked to serve by the court instead of prison time. In this period, they are supervised by a probation officer who oversees their period of probation. While they are serving the term of probation, the offender is required to follow a set of rules and regulations that have been dictated for the case by the court.

What are some common probation rules?

The rules of probation can defer and vary in severity depending on the seriousness of the crime committed by them.

However, there are some standard conditions that a court is required to impose on all such cases and the defendant has to follow them.

  • Every time while leaving the district, they have to seek permission from the court or probation officer.
  • They should fulfill their family responsibilities and support the people who are dependent on them.
  • They should report to their probation officer on a regular basis, the frequency of which is decided by the court.
  • In their conversations with the probationary officer, they have to be truthful and obey the instructions given by the officer.
  • If there is a change in the defendant’s employment or residence, the probation officer is supposed to be informed at least 10 days prior to the change.
  • They must not go to places that have anything to do with illegal substances.
  • They are also expected involved in some kind of lawful occupation unless they are excused by the probation officer for some reason.
  • They also have to refrain from consuming alcohol excessively.
  • They should not be involved in any type of purchase, possession, usage, administration, of a controlled substance.
  • The defendant has to refrain from any type of association with a person involved in criminal activity.
  • They cannot meet a person who has been convicted for a felony without getting permission from their probation officer.
  • If the defendant is arrested for any reason or questioned by a law enforcement officer, they have to inform the probation officer within 72 hours.

These are only imposed rules.