What You Require To Know About Getting Dental Fillings


Dental fillings are single or mixed metals, polymers, glass, or other materials utilized to repair or restore teeth. One of the most common applications for dental fillers is to fill a cavity in a tooth due to decay. Dental fillings Monroe are also used to restore fractured or broken teeth and teeth worn down due to misuse (such as from tooth grinding or nail-biting).

Types of filling materials available

There are various dental filling materials available today. Your teeth may be filled with gold, porcelain, silver amalgam (a mixture of mercury, silver, tin, zinc, and copper), or tooth-colored, plastic, and composite resin fillings. Glass ionomer is another type of material that comprises glass particles. This substance is utilized in the same manner as composite resin fillings. Additionally, the filling ideal for you is determined by the location and extent of the decay, the cost of filling material, your insurance coverage, and your dentist’s suggestion.

The causes of tooth sensitivity after getting a dental filling

Tooth sensitivity following filling implantation is normal. Pressure, air, sugary foods, and temperature can all cause dental sensitivity. The sensitivity generally goes away on its own within a few weeks. You typically don’t require to use a pain reliever.

If the sensitivity doesn’t subside within two to four weeks or if your tooth is particularly sensitive, consult your dentist. They may advise using desensitizing toothpaste, applying a desensitizing chemical to the tooth, or performing a root canal operation.

How long do dental fillings last?

Your oral hygiene has a role in how long your filling lasts. Diligent dental care may extend the life of your filling and keep a new cavity from forming on your tooth. A filling’s lifespan might also vary based on the materials utilized.

Since everyone’s teeth and lifestyle are unique, these periods may fluctuate from person to person. Amalgam fillings typically last 5 to 25 years, gold fillings last 15 to 20 years and composite fillings last 5 to 15 years.

How to prepare for a filling

The dentist will administer local anesthesia to the region where the filling will be placed and any decaying areas of the tooth will be removed. Removing this portion of the tooth will leave a gap in the tooth that must be filled. The dentist will then fill the gap with the filling materials and flash a special light on the tooth to guarantee that the material implanted solidifies.

After the material hardens, the doctor will continue to file the tooth until it fits in with the other teeth around it. Furthermore, smoothing and polishing will complete the filling and make it comfortable to bite down and chew.

When it comes to cavity treatment, the dentist will first remove the decayed section of the tooth before inserting dental fillings. This is because if the decay is not removed, the filling will have a harder time clinging to the surface. More decay might form on the already vulnerable section of the enamel or dentin, resulting in the filling dislodgement. Regardless, dentists typically employ fillings to fix damaged, fractured, or holey teeth. Call Apple Dental to schedule your consultation today to find out if dental fillers are ideal for you.