Effective Ways to Relieve Constipation


Constipation is one of the most prevalent digestive system problems affecting 16 out of 100 adults in the United States. If you are experiencing fewer bowel movements which can be typically uncomfortable and accompanied by bloating, straining, and the feeling of a full bowel, you may be dealing with constipation. Most people suffer constipation San Antonio at some point in their lives, due to a bad diet or lack of exercise.

If you have constipation, making a few dietary and lifestyle changes might help relieve your condition. Here are ways to relieve constipation;

Stay hydrated

Drinking adequate water every day is really beneficial to our bodies. Despite this, many people struggle to drink enough water throughout the day. Drink eight glasses of water every day to keep your body hydrated. Drink extra water if you participate in greater physical exercise.

Drinking enough water will help you defecate more regularly, which will relieve your constipation.


If you have not had a bowel movement in more than three days, and you are feeling bloated, consider doing some simple exercises. Exercising can help you maintain a healthy digestive system and treat constipation.

However, you do not have to join a gym or run a marathon to succeed. Walking around the neighborhood can help relieve your constipation. In addition, establishing a daily routine and prioritizing sleep might also assist with regular bowel motions.

Consume meals high in fiber

“You are what you eat” is not simply a common saying. Focus on eating proper meals high in fiber and plant-based to relieve constipation. The type of food you eat can greatly affect your digestive system and your general health. 

Eating high-fiber foods can help regulate your bowel movements by making your stool soft and bulky, allowing it to flow through your intestines faster. Eat high-fiber foods like lentils, raspberries, chia seeds, avocado, oatmeal, and whole-grain bread. Ensure you consume 5-10 grams of fiber during your breakfast, lunch, and supper.

Change your bathroom habits

You probably never think about how you defecate, but changing your position can help reduce constipation.

Toilet stools that reposition your body in the toilet can be an effective method for relieving constipation. When we poop at an angle, we relax a muscle and open the gut, allowing things to move out more easily.

Try taking a “squat” posture with your knees bent and your body tilted slightly forward, or sit down and place your feet on a tiny stepstool so that your knees are above your hips.

Some people learn tactics for passing stool that doesn’t work for them over time; thus, revisiting the mechanics of stooling might be advantageous.

Keep track of your prescriptions

Some medications can significantly contribute to the development of constipation. Opioids, in particular, can worsen constipation. If you have begun a new medication and detect a change in your stools, inform your doctor and ask if you can do anything to change your dose or routine to keep things moving at the right rate.

Call Digestive & Liver Disease Center of San Antonio PLLC to book your appointment for the treatment of constipation.