Personal Injury Lawyer Calgary


If a person has been injured in a motor vehicle accident which is actually another persons fault he must do some minimum things to get through it. First is to contact the police and thereafter provide any necessary information to complete the accident report. The second is toadvise ones insurance company about the accident; The third is to seek medical help from someone immediately; and finally to seek the legal advice to ensure that one minimizes their loss and maximize their gains.

Post the accident, the insurance representative of the other driver may probably call the victim. The basic job of the adjuster is to settle their claim as fast and cheaply as possible. However one may not oblige to provide their information. This is because it maybe used against the plaintiff himself.

Ifhowever one plansto settle their claim with the adjuster, then it becomes final. In that case one will not have any further action against the guilty driver. Even if one has some medical problems one has to forego of it. However it must be remembered that some neck or back injuries may not even be apparent for several weeks or months after the accident. Thus it is advisable that one takes enough time to assess his injuries before they settle for some claim.


Lawyers on ones side givesthe space to concentrate on ones primary goal after the accident, which is recovering from the injuries. Thus by stepping in the lawyer deals with any sort of paperwork or procedures on behalf of the victim. They also protect the victim from being harassed from anyone such as the insurance agents while they are recovering at the time. Hence appointing a personal injury lawyer calgery will protect the rights of the victim.Moreover if there are any changes in the legal structure regarding the claims for accidents that too is taken care by the lawyer.


Most personal injury lawyer edmonton claims are resolved outside a court room. If one wants to sue, the first step must be to issue a Statement of Claim against the responsible driver. One must also file the document within two years from the accident to preserve their rights. Any delay should not be done as the lawyer requires sufficient time to collect evidence for the claim and as well as to meet any legal deadlines.

However if the claim cannot be settled with the insurance adjuster, a Statement of Defence can be filed on behalf of the responsible driver who has to ultimately answer to the claim. Thus the amount of ones settlement will be determined by his own ability to prove that the injuries are caused specifically by the accident.


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